Tip of The Week: How to stop pests from infesting your HVAC system

Today, pests are a constant problem for home or business owners and without the right precautions, they can be dangerous. Consequences of not preparing for pests or just ignoring them are vast. From damage to your home/building structure because of termites to raccoons and mice tearing into your home and nesting, either way, pests will find their way in.

Pests can cause a dangerous environment for everyone involved so why not prepare your home/business so you will not have to deal with a costly bill down the road? Pest proofing your HVAC system is just as important as preparing every other element of your home or business. Tower Equipment Company is here to help you prepare your HVAC system with just three simple steps and help you get rid of these pests for good.

Step #1: Seal Your Ducts

  • Pests can cause serious damage to your ductwork and cause indoor air quality issues. The safest way to avoid this happening and having pest’s hair, dander and other excrement being dispersed throughout your home via your Air Conditioning unit is to seal your ducts.
  • When starting this process you should first check over your HVAC system for any cracks, disconnects or gaps in your duct system. These gaps create an easy access for pests to enter your system or even your home. If you see any inconstancies you should seal them properly but before doing so you should make sure your system is not already infested.
  • If pests have already gotten into your system keep in mind that trapping is your safest option. Use live traps for mice and rats and use glue traps for bugs. Poison is not a safe option in this case because it will cause the pest to die within your duct system causing for a tricky removal. Also spraying pesticides will circulate throughout your system which will lead to poison being spread around your house or business.
  • It is best to get your system professionally sealed to ensure your system cannot get infested again.

Step #2: Install Vent and Flue Covers

  • Vents are an ideal place for pests to enter and build their nests. With the warm air coming out of them constantly, pests are attracted to them.  It is best to install a cover on these fresh air intakes or exterior vents to avoid pests breaking into your system and causing further damage. Even a simple nest in the outside of your vent will cause a blockage not allowing the outside air you need for your system to come inside or escape causing issues for you in the long run.
  • Build up in your flue pipe is even more dangerous for people inhabiting the home or business. Flue pipes protect occupants from carbon monoxide poisoning and if the system gets blocked these byproducts will get forced back into your business or home. It is best to add a cover that allows the air to disperse but not allow the pests in.
  • Covers have additional benefits other than pest control such as keeping water out of your system. Make sure all covers are installed properly and are reinforced. If it is not secure, small animals are smart and will find their way in if not on tightly.

Step #3: Protect your air conditioning condenser

  • Protecting your air condenser is key, rodents and other small animals can cause great damage to your system by chewing, scratching and more. There are ways to avoid this happening though and they are quite simple. Keep the surrounding area of your condenser clear by cleaning around it regularly and wipe down your unit with warm water and mild soap to avoid pest’s attraction to the unit. Praying pest repellent around your unit is anther easy way to avoid a costly bill. The smell alone will make pests not want to come close to your unit giving you one less thing to worry about.
  • Rodents and other small animals can cause great damage to your exterior air conditioning condenser. They can damage components by chewing, scratching, urinating, and more – even their presence can harm the system, should you happen to turn the air conditioning system on when they are inside.


Pests can cause many issues in your HVAC system but if you take the right precautions you can avoid a costly bill, health issues and indoor air quality issues down the road.

Need new ductwork to make a replacement for damage that pests have already caused? Contact Tower Today! Our sales representatives will help pinpoint exactly what you need to get your system working again.

Tower Equipment

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