Tip of the Week: Five Ways To Remember To Change Your Furnace Filters

Often because homeowners HVAC System is out of sight they tend to keep it out of mind. But think of your system as a car for a moment, if you never get an oil change something is bound to break. Just like your car, your HVAC system needs the air filters changed to keep it healthy or you could encounter a costly charge in the near future.

Now, we all know checking over your HVAC system isn’t really how you want to spend your free time but to keep your system running smoothly and efficiently this is something you must do.

Lucky for you, Tower Equipment Company is here with a guide on five ways you can remind yourself to change your air filter!

  1. Yearly Checklist – There are many important things you need to do throughout the year to keep your home up and running, maintenance on your HVAC system is one of them. The best way to get started is to make a checklist of your home’s maintenance and display it somewhere in your home you won’t forget about. No, we are not talking about that cork board that is covered in forgot about papers, somewhere noticeable. The list should include important tasks and when they should be completed like changing air filters, scheduling maintenance checkups, cleaning the unit and repairs.  Protip – Keep in mind that when scheduling repairs or check-ups on your air-conditioning unit that the summer months will be the hardest time to get an appointment. Consider doing system check-ups in the spring.
  2. Calendar Reminders– After you have completed your checklist, try to plan specific dates to get your important tasks done on your home. Research shows you are more likely to complete a task with a deadline then to complete a job that is open ended. For example, if you place a reminder on the first of every third month to clean your air filter you are more likely to do so.  Holding yourself accountable will help you avoid costly repair bill later.
  3. Get an app -If you’re not a calendar person, try getting an app or setting a reminder on your phone.  There is an app called housekeeping that will send you text messages reminding you when you should change your filter or change the batteries in your fire detector. So, if you are a tech person or just need that extra push this might be the route for you.
  4. Write the Change Dates on your filters–  if you still need that extra push try placing a box of replacement filters beside your system with the date they need to be installed written on them. You can also put a sticky note by your thermostat reminding you when it needs to be done – Remember every home is different Click here to see how frequently you should be changing your filter
  5. Celebrate your Savings -Keeping up with your HVAC maintenance can save your household money on all your bills! So why not reward yourself and do something with the extra cash. Even having something small like take-out to look forward to can help motivate you to complete your home’s HVAC tasks more efficiently.

Need more information on any of the products we sell at Tower Equipment Company? Contact Our Professionals Today!

Stratford, CT1320 West Broad Street Stratford, CT 06615Phone- (203) 375-4420Fax- (203) 378-7635

Tower Equipment

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