Dwyer works tirelessly to get it right. That’s why they hold over 650 technical patents and that number grows every year. Most importantly, Dwyer values the expertise and skill of the people that use their products in the field every day. With this being said, here is Tower’s top picks for the new/updated Dwyer products: Series 629C – Wet/Wet Differential Pressure Transmitter • … Continue Reading

Product Preview: Johnson Controls GLAS Smart Thermostat
The all new GLAS Smart Thermostat is a multifunctional device that enables comfortable and energy-efficient spaces. This room thermostat is designed to configure temperature controls, monitor air quality, and assist with energy savings in most residential and limited commercial applications. GLAS also offers a simple, state-of-the-art, 40% translucent, color touchscreen display that makes the user … Continue Reading

Technology Talk: Smart Thermostat Guide
Thermostat technology has come a long way. Today, thermostats give users so many options from programming to smart devices compatibility which gives you the option to effortlessly control comfort throughout a space. Smart thermostat installation in your home helps create the ultimate smart home, with precision control over indoor comfort and energy consumption. Continue reading to … Continue Reading

Tip of the Week: How to Estimate Your Seasonal Cooling Costs
Summer is here and energy bills are spiking everywhere. This is a bummer for many homeowners after a nice month or so of low energy costs, thanks to spring’s mild temperatures. You’ve probably wondered how much does it cost to run an AC, which is helpful to know so you can estimate your summertime … Continue Reading
New Technology: Make zoning simple with RoomResponse by Tekmar
Adjust the boiler temperature based on feedback from any brand of thermostat with RoomResponse by Tekmar. During milder conditions and times when heat is added through indoor activity, appliance operation and solar gain, the RoomResponse signal requests a lower boiler temperature to use less energy. Controlling the boiler temperature also enhances comfort through reduced temperature … Continue Reading
Sustainable Development- Belimo & Caring For The World Around Us
Did you know Belimo is firmly committed to sustainability? This is reflected in their mission statement and their commitment was further strengthened with Belimo’s signing of the UN Global Compact. As a whole, Belimo works hard everyday to help create a more sustainable world. Continue reading to discover the five ways Belimo cares for the … Continue Reading
Tip of the Week: Have the right Filter on your truck everytime with FlexFilter
Field Controls FlexFilter Replacement Media Air Filters are now available at Tower Equipment Company! Field Controls patented FlexFilter is an ultra compact, easy-to-assemble media air cleaner that replaces over 40 of the most popular filter models ! Why take time away from the job tracking down a manufacturer’s specific filter? Why carry a truck load … Continue Reading
Technology Talk: Dywer’s IEF Series Insertion Electromagnetic Flow Transmitters
Dywer’s IEF Insertion Electromagnetic Flow Transmitter series is an adjustable insertion flowmeter featuring electromagnetic technology that accurately and reliably measures fluid velocity in addition to providing several continuous signal outputs. This series is specifically designed to offer superior performance paired with simple installation and use. One unit is adjustable to fit pipe sizes from 4 to 36″ … Continue Reading
Product Preview: Honeywell’s WEBs-AX Energy Analytics
Want to know how energy in your building is being used? The WEBs-AX Energy Analytics can give you the insight you have been looking for into your energy usage! Working within the WEBs-AX architecture, WEBs-AX Energy Analytics is the equivalent to an energy savant obsessed with making energy usage more efficient. Using the data from your energy … Continue Reading
Product Preview: Honeywell’s Advanced Electrode Humidifier
When your home’s humidity levels are out of balance, you, your family, and your pets may experience the irritating effects of dry air. This includes itchy skin, scratchy throats, chapped lips, static electricity, and unpleasant shocks. Your woodwork, hardwood floors and favorite possessions, like furniture, artwork, and musical instruments, may crack and split from dry … Continue Reading